Friday, February 26, 2010

Busy, busy today. Radiation today, then 2 days off - yaaaaay. That's the good news - bad news is - I need to go to the chemo Doc today too and get another shot to boost my white blood cells. I'm tellin ya, I've been poked more than a $2 hooker, and not enjoyin it nearly as much - LOL.
Anyway.... other than eating - I'm still maintaining a sense of normalcy - planning on going with Sue to a stage play in Versailles Saturday night. I'm so glad that I can keep doing most of the things I enjoy - so far, so good anyway.


  1. i love how you always seem to compare how busy you are to hookers and whores... that's my daddy...

  2. Hang in there! We're pulling for you!
    SJ, Dave and the boys
