Friday, April 30, 2010

Whooooooo Hooooooooo I'm now tube free! The first time in M O N T H S that I haven't had something sticking out of me.
Doc says all is well, the lingering pain is normal, everything looks good and I'm progressing as anticipated.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Good days - yesterday and today. Sue got me up and took me to Wal Mart last night - John came by today and hauled me to Lowe's today, so I've been up, about and walking pretty well.
I ate a fill today too, so I guess things are headed in the right direction.
The weather is supposed to be really nice tomorrow, so hopefully, I'll get to spend more time outside.
Pluggin along on a daily basis.....

Monday, April 26, 2010

Another day in the books. Got a new fridge today - the old one (25 years) just started making too many new noises, and the old noises were getting louder.
Thanks God Sue was here to help - she's been a God-send for sure - keeping me on my toes and getting me to eat, and move around - and generally taking great care of me.
Things are moving along, getting better every day - appetite increasing, pain decreasing.
Losing my last bandage here in a few minutes - then Friday, I'll probably lose the feeding tube and THAT will be the last outside influence, other than a few scars.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

For those that are wondering - I'm not home alone - Sue is here with me - I couldn't do this by myself - she's been with me through this all and I certainly appreciate it. Thanks Honey, I don't know what I'd do without ya.
Hi Folks - I'm back. a zillion million thanks to Moochie for blogging for me. I guess I owe ya at least one beer huh??????
Y'all have no idea how heart warming it is to have such close friends and family. Not a day went by that I wasn't amazed by the number of thoughts, prayers and good wishes I received.
Thank you one and all, you made a difficult recovery much easier.
I got home Thursday had some major pain problems Tuesday and Wednesday, and finally got those straightened out, and my meds adjusted. the only thing I have sticking out of me now is a feeding tube, which I haven't used, and probably wont and will have it removed next week. I'm taking one time release and one quick acting drug for pain management - other than that - time will heal the rest.
I'll try to keep up with the daily updates, but I'm afraid it may get quite boring, but I'll take it day by day and swe how everything goes.
Thanks again eyeryone - Love Y'all!

Friday, April 23, 2010

homecoming king...

so if you went to the hospital right now and asked to see my dad - they would say "superman no es here"... dad came home yesterday... still in a little pain but doing much better... so tomorrow dad will be back at the controls of his blog once again...

so thanks for putting up with me for almost two whole weeks... and thanks for all the love and support for not only my dad, but my entire family... much love...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

waiting some more...

just got off the phone with dad... he is having some pain around the incision so he's staying in the hospital one more day... but he's been eating big boy food that he actually has to CHEW... sorry can't write more now - 'supposed' to be working... much love...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


didn't get to see dad last night... going to see him tonight before pubsday... but here is what aunt sue has posted on facebook...

Sue Mullendore Just got the word Jay had grilled chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy and zucchini for dinner!! Ordered eggs for breakfast and meatloaf for lunch. He must be in seventh heaven!! Hooray for such encouraging news!!!!!! Go SUPERMAN!!

HOLY CRAP - watch out world - superman's back in business!!! will post more tonight after i see him... much love...

Friday, April 16, 2010

now we're up in the big leagues...

gettin our turn at bat...

sorry - just going with the jefferson's theme...

dad is doing AmAAAAzing... catheter - gone... ng tube - gone... bp iv - gone... epidural - gone... ability to eat - BACK...

for the past few months dad hasn't been able to eat anything solid... for the few weeks before his surgery water was hard to get down... so, with apologies to probably everybody, today i saw my dad eat like a runaway slave... granted, it was only cream of mushroom soup, but holy crap did he suck it down... doc says he should get out of there tuesday or wednesday... everybody knows how strong dad is, but i can't believe how well he is doing after all of this...

i would like to send a personal thanks to everybody that has stopped by to see him, sent cards, posted comments on this blog, posted facebook comments and brought beer mug shaped balloons... it's nice to know there are so many people out there pulling for my dad... i'm sure that dad would agree with me when i say "you guys rock"... much love...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

fish don't fry in the kitchen...

and beans don't burn on the grill...

dad is out of icu... so here's the scoop...

central baptist hospital
room 4240

he has asked for no phone calls please... it's not because he can't talk or doesn't want to talk or anything like that... we all know that SOOOO many of you love and care for my dad that he would be bombarded with phone calls... it's difficult enough in a hospital to get as much actual 'sleep' that you need to recover... plus he's hooked to so many things that it's kind of a pain in the ass to answer a ringing phone...

so please, if you want to send him a message - send me or aunt sue an email and we will print it out and make sure that it is delivered to him... i have printed out all of the blog and facebook posts and comments for him, so he can feel the love...

jess -
aunt sue -

much love...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

still waiting...

still waiting on a room to open up... he was up a couple times today walking the hallway until the nurses got tired of lugging all his crap around... he's still feeling pretty good... it's really not too bad to be stuck in the icu... he's got his own room... and excellent care so... he's got an ng tube (hell i think that's what it's called) down his nose into his stomach to let all the 'gunk' out so it doesn't sit in his stomach and make him sick... on friday they'll see if he can drink some water and if he can pass that 'test' they'll take it out... one less tube sticking in him is one step closer to being able to come home... more updates tomorrow... much love...


dad is still doing well... been up walking around today and i can only assuming still flirting with the nurses... he is waiting on a room to open up and then he'll be out of the icu... hopefully sometime this afternoon... going to see him today after work... will keep you updated... much love...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

he is superman...

went to see dad today... he is doing AWESOME!!! on a scale of 1 to 10 his pain level was 1... if it wasn't for all the tubes and crap coming out of him, you wouldn't even know he had surgery yesterday... he was hoping to get out of the icu sometime tonight or tomorrow morning... i will definitely let you all know when he gets into a room... we are all just so happy with his progress so far and see only good things in the future...

dad wanted to make sure that i thanked all of you on his behalf for all of the positives thoughts, prayers and energy that you all have sent his way... much love...

this just in...

he's been sitting up in a chair for a few hours watching tv... he's been walking up and down and up and down the hallway... his pain is under control... he looks good, color is good... he's been doing his breathing exercises... and of course - has the nurses wrapped around his little finger...

going to see him around 4... won't be able to update until later tonight though... it IS pubsday you know... and dad wouldn't want any of us to miss out on that because of him... much love...

up and at 'em...

just received this email from aunt sue...

"just talked to his nurse. Nicole. She said he had a good night and is feeling pretty good this morning. They're going to get him out of bed in a little while. Woohoo!"

can't keep a good man down... much love...

Monday, April 12, 2010


thanks to everybody sending positive energy dad's way today... surgery went as the doctors expected it to... in a lot of pain, but that's what nurseboy zack is for... he's in good hands... he's in the icu for a couple of days... i know a lot of you want to send cards and flowers and such so i will let you all know when he gets moved to a room... i'll be back to see him tomorrow and i'll post an update after that... much love...


surgery is done... everything went according to plan... should be able to see him in about an hour or so... he'll be in the hospital for about a week, the first few days in icu... whew, what a day... thanks so much for the texts, fb posts and emails... much love...


dr tate (the cancer surgeon) is done with his part of the surgery... waiting on him to come out and talk to us... now dr clements is working on his part... halfway there... much love...

surgery day...

hey everybody... it's jess... i will be blogging for dad while he is in the hospital after surgery... it's scheduled for this afternoon... don't know when i'll get to blog again so if you want me to text you with updates send me a message... i'll send out a blast whenever i know anything... 859-221-3989

please send any and all positive thoughts and energy you have to my dad today... much love...

Friday, April 9, 2010

WOW - last day of work for a while - yeah, I'm gonna miss it - ALOT.
Not sure if I'll be posting at all this weekend, so I'll let y'all know - Jess is gonna post for me after surgery, so you can still follow what's goin on, and save a bunch of phone calls.
Thanks again for all the calls, cards, letters, e-mails, thoughts and prayers - they'll help me stay strong and get through this.
I'm out for at least a couple of weeks - send some good vibes toward Lexington Monday afternoon...........

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Only 2 work days left - then I'll be gone for a while. Yeah, I know it's work, but I'll miss it anyway - it doesn't seem like work..... Maybe I'll be able to at least come visit before I actually get back to work. Ooooooooooooooooooo I'm not gonna like being out of commission so long. Das alright, just another thing to deal with.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Another day closer to "hack me open day" - I'm getting anxious and apprehensive at the same time - it's a lot bigger deal than I originally thought. Oh well - I know it'll all be OK in the end.
The girls, "my friends" in the gym have already threatened to color my beard, paint my finger and toe nails, tattoo my ass and write on me while I'm unconscious in ICU - Gee thanks - now I'll NEVER get any rest!
I had a great thought I was going to post on here today - it's gone.......

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thanks to everyone who has sent cards, letters, e-mails, good thought, prayers, etc., etc. My hutch top is full of cards of well wishes. I appreciate each and every one of you.

Keep the good vibes coming!

Monday, April 5, 2010

My last Monday at work for a while..... I'm sure gonna miss this place.
Had a good weekend - went to Cumberland Falls with Sue - had a mini picnic - Sue had a sandwich and I had pudding - LOL. Kind of a gray day Saturday, but it didn't rain - the sun came out when we were on our way home - figures huh?
I'm anxious to get this week over - gonna be interesting to see if it goes quickly or slowly....

Friday, April 2, 2010

Hmmmmm, stomach's a wee bit sore today, I might have pushed it too much yesterday. Got a lot done though - but maybe totin that weed eater all over the place wasn't such a good idea afterall. Oh well, that'll be all over soon enough - can't wait to be back to normal. OK, OK - before y'all jump on THAT - as normal as normal is for me......

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Well, got both appts out of the way - no surgery date yet though - "they'll call me" - better

I'll be damned! The phone just rang - surgery sked for the 12th of April - just about what I figured. Mark that on your calendars, and keep a good thought for me!

Yaaaaaaay - the beginning of the end!