Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cooool - good report from my last post-op checkup. He said I was way ahead of schedule and doing great.
Still have a long way to go though, but feeling pretty good after all the good reports. I know, I know - P A T I E N C E.........
Next step is a pet-scan in 3 months to make sure they cleaned me out good enough.
Anyway..... unless something new comes up - it'll probably be a while before I post anything else.
I'll let y;all know when I cross the next hurdle - getting back to work.....
This has been an excellent vehicle for reporting my goings on and happenings - thanks again Mooch.
Thanks again for your toughts, prayers, cards, letters, e-mails, etc., etc. Y'all have been a marvelous support group.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sorry, I know it's been a few days. Whew - I've experienced some very good and some very bad days the past week - it seems like I discover new pains every day.
Had a follow-up yesterday - I'm dehydrated - got a bag of fluids, gettin another one today and another on Wednesday - I'm trying to force myself to drink more, it's just not happening. I also have some pain patches and an appetite stimulant - nobody would ever believe I'd need a stimulant to eat.......
Anyway........ Doc is very happy with my progress, so I guess I should be happy too - just anxious to feel better on a daily basis.