Wednesday, February 3, 2010

WOW - Late start today - it's already 10:00.
Let's see.... white blood count still down - got another shot, gettin ready to start round 2 of Chemo on Monday. All other counts were good - maintaining weight too, so Doc was happy about that. Sooooooo, by the end of next week, I'll be half way done with chemo.
I hope, well actually, anticipate, that I'll feel just as good through this round as I did through the last round. 25% done with radiation.....
Went to Pubsday last night - nice to be with family and friends....
All things are moving along nicely!

1 comment:

  1. In case you didn't know the Dr. isn't the only one happy about that ;-).

    Keep up the awesome attitude honey.
