Monday, February 8, 2010

Allllrighty - Started round two of chemo today - busy day - radiation at 8, breakfast, then chemo at 10. Got some IV meds today - about 3 hours worth, and am carrying a pump with me that will give me more meds continuously over a 96 hour period.
More IV meds tomorrow and Wednesday, then get rid of the pump Friday afternoon. Looks like "whore baths" from the chest up, and hand-held shower down below until Friday at which time I WILL have a long, hot, steamy "hotel shower".
Still feeling good and able to eat most things - I sure have to eat slow, small bites, and chew the bejesus (hmm never saw THAT word in print before) out of everything, but still beats a soup, soup, and more soup diet!

Please keep a good thought that this round goes as smoothly as the first.


  1. Got everything crossed for you.

  2. Good thoughts coming at ya by the gazillion!

  3. Sis says: Ain't nothing but a chicken wing!!
