Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bills, bills, bills

Yowee - the trickle of medical bills is growing stronger. Just yesterday - 6 bills from 4 different places. Thank God for insurance, but damn - keeping up with all this is a full time job. The hospital, the surgeons, the chemo docs, the radiation docs, the anes... the aenst... the guys that put ya to sleep, the radiologists, the techs - I think I even got billed from Lexmark for the ink to print my bills!
Anyway...... that's how I'm spending a few hours this Saturday morning. It's supposed to be nice today - hmmmm no sun yet and it's almost 11 I guess we'll see.
A whole weekend with nobody poking, prodding, sticking, blood pressuring, temperaturing, IVing, or radiating me.

1 comment:

  1. so you think i could send some of mine over to get paid too???
