Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Allright - Tuesday morning - BRING IT!

4 radiation treatments down - yaaaay - 10% done!

Hmmm nobody here yet this morning - my early morning crew is gone, the others haven't shown up yet - maybe the calm before the storm? We were KUHRAZY busy yesterday.

More blood tests today - I'm lookin like a junkie already. I had a "power port" put in, with the assurance that they could use that for all my chemo treatments and blood tests - that would alleviate alot of sticks for blood tests, etc., etc.
Welllllllllll apparently the thinking on that deal has changed - fear of infection in a main line lets them use the port less than expected. Go figure THAT one......


  1. As a wise guy I know says, "it is what it is"! :-)

  2. Keep bringin' it!! You're doing great!! If you start to leak, I have lots of bandaids!

  3. Hey, that Anonymous wasn't me!

  4. Well, speaking from a non-medical/medical background...they'll probably start using the port more as you get toward the end of your chemo. Your immune system is getting hammered, so even a little infection could really jack you up.
    Just being cautiously overly cautious....

    And remember, it's better to look like a junkie than to actually be a junkie.

  5. Congrats on the port ... you will come to LOVE that thing!! I was really sad when I had mine taken out - very emotional - but that's a story for another time. Did they give you lidocane cream to ease the pain when they access it? Everyone that ever saw it accessed on me likened it to being jabbed with a big fish hook and bowed down with respect : )

    Glad to hear things are going (relatively) well! Keep smiling!!
