Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ahhhh Thursday - a full week of radiation done - 15% in the books - no ill effects so far....... Actually since I can now see my pee in the dark, it makes it easier when I have to get up in the middle of the night - LMAO.
Prunes are better than prune juice.... but neither is as good as tapioca - wellll, as far as taste goes anyway.
2 days since the Wildcats lost and the world did NOT implode! Imagine that....
Everybody is freakin out about the weather - various reports with completely different forecasts from the media... all I know - and my 100% guarantee - it's either gonna snow, or it's not! Ya can't do anything about it, so quit freakin out.


  1. whether it's cold or whether it's hot
    we're gonna have weather - whether or not...

  2. No, the world didn't implode, but apparently some douchebags posted nasty stuff on Patterson's & Cousin's FB pages. What a bunch of turds.

    Prunes, huh? Do they look like your toes when you've been in the bath for too long?

  3. LAC - Hon, trust me - there's nothing on this earth that looks like MY toes.....

  4. Uncle Jay,
    Just wanted you to know that I'm checking your blog everyday. You're in our thoughts and prayers, let us know if we can do anything. If you're still feeling good we would love to see you at Dave's for Daytona!
    Love ya,

  5. LOL! OK, Cyber Boy, I'll have to trust you on that one!

  6. Thanks Jenny - we do plan on being there. I'll just be finishing my second round of chemo, but if it goes as well as the first - all will be good!
